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Who says that stag weekends have to be all sunshine and sand? Step into the Freakshow for a delightfully dark circus experience to appeal to even the scarediest of cats… 

Why visit a steakhouse when you could go to thecircus? For an evening of awesome food, insane entertainment and wild clubbing,you can't get better than a Freakshow dinner – a three-course meal and a circusshow you’ll never forget in a hurry. 

Freakshow is the maddest meal to hit the stag partycircuit - an outlandish combination of incredible food, grotesque circus actsand top DJ action! Roll up early and snaffle tickets to be sure of a place atthe most jaw-dropping table in history. You’ve never been to a dinner partyquite like this – and it ain’t no family circus, let us tell you.

While the boys munch magnificent man meals cookedby a quality chef, acrobats perform on trapezes and horrifying clowns bound insuddenly from the shadows! Escape artists allow themselves to be tied inchains, dropped into water in locked boxes and bound up in sacks, beforemiraculously appearing, unharmed and completely free. Are they real - or dothey have inhuman powers? Can you brave the second and third courses to findout? This is a circus party that’s certainly not for the squeamish.

There's no wilder way to celebrate a feller'simpending marriage! Enjoy three delicious courses, quaff heartily from the barand move on to the in-house circus themed club when the meal has finished.

The entertainment carries on in the club, withflash performances from circus freaks as the tunes play. Blow your mind anddance your arse off. Awesome.

In a nutshell:

o    Epic circus themed dinner

o    Circus performances throughout

o    3 course meal

o    Bar entry

o    Circus club entry

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