The Stag Party Phrasebook
It's hot, there are sexy women everywhere and your best mate is trying to find a strip club. Unfortunately, he doesn't speak Spanish and his naked-lady-dancing pantomime isn't going over well with the locals! Gents, you need a stag party phrasebook. I've gathered together the most important questions in any language. Print this out and keep it safe. It just might save your life...
Una cerveza, por favor - I'd like a beer, please
Donde esta el club de striptease? - Where is the strip club?
Has vista a mi amigo? - Have you seen my friend?
Si me gustaria otro tequila - Yes, I would like another tequila
Ein hellesbier bitte - I'd like a beer please (Hellesbier is the closest to English lager-style beer)
Wo ist der Strip-Club bitte? - Where is the strip club, please?
Wieviel fur ein privat tanz kosten? - How much does it cost for a private dance?
Ja, ich mochte eine andere Absinth bitte - Yes, I would like another absinthe please
Mag ik een biertje? - May I have a beer, please?
Waar is de stripclub? - Where is the strip club?
Wat is je naam? - What is your name?
Ja, ik zou graag nog een jenever - Yes, I would like another jenever (an insanely strong Dutch spirit)
Une biere, s'il vous plait - A beer, please
Ou est le club de striptease, s'il vous plait? - Where is the strip club, please?
Bonjour, mademoiselle, comment ca va? - How YOU doin?
Oui, je voudrais une armagnac - Yes, I would like another brandy
Jedno pivo, prosim - A beer, please
Kde je klub - Where is the strip club (you might have to mime boobies here)
Tento pan vsetko zaplati - This man will pay for everything
Chtel bych si dalsi whisky - I would like another whisky
Egy sort kerek - One beer, please
Hol van a sztriptizbarba? - Where is the strip club?
Van egy baratom? - Have you got a boyfriend?
Faj a fejem - My head hurts
En ol, tak - A beer, please
Hvor er den stripklub? - Where is the strip club?
Kender du en god klub? - Do you know a good club? (for dancing)
Jeg har brug for en aspirin - I need an aspirin
Uma cerveja por favor - One beer, please
Onde esta o clube de strip? - Where is the strip club?
A que horas voce terminar o trabalho? - What time do you get off?
Oh deus nunca mais - Oh God never again
Jedno pivo, molim vas - One beer, please
Gdje jestriptiz klub? - Where is the strip club?
Ti si prekrasna - You're gorgeous
Zelim moja mama - I want my mum
Una birra, por favore - A beer, please
Dove e la locale de striptease? - Where is the strip club?
Siete sorelle? - Are you sisters?
Non ce le faccio piu - I can't take it anymore
Jedno piwo prosze - One beer, please
Gdzie jestklub de striptizem? - Where is the strip club?
Bedziemy stad? - Shall we get out of here?
Ide do lozka, az nadszedl czas, aby wrocic du domu - I am going to bed until it's time to go home
Safe travels, chaps. And remember - what happens on tour stays on tour - until your workmate puts it on YouTube...